It’s time to take control of your health and your life!

To start the process of working with a personal health consultant, simply fill out the form below. 

Once you click submit, you'll be taken to my calendar where you can book a quick phone call so that we can touch base and ensure this is a good fit. 

If we choose to proceed, we will begin with a 90-min case review (at a later date). This  allows me to learn all about you and your health, to address any questions, and dive deep into your goals. You will receive a  PERSONALIZED action plan and recommendations for next steps, one of which may include 1:1 coaching.


Rethink Wellness with Jeni

1:1 Health Consulting

I provide next-level concierge health consulting services. My priority is to fully support my clients throughout our time together. 

Your health and well-being is what matters most. This is the place to be heard and to discover thousands of solutions that are at your fingertips - solutions that will allow you to take back control of your health and your life.

Your body is strong and so capable when provided with the right environment and ingredients. But every body requires it's own unique recipe and it can take some work to discover what that is.

I am on a mission to help you live and thrive by taking advantage of every angle. To give support, encouragement, and structure alongside some brainstorming and detective work. Together, we will discover what your body needs and how to make that happen!

Information and action plans discussed in conversation, as well as any information provided on this site, in any of its materials, or in any of its courses or consulting services is not medical advice, even if the person providing the service is of a medical background. It is always advised that you discuss any lifestyle changes you plan to make or supplements you would like to take with your treating physician or medical provider.