The Importance of Holistic Health for High-Achieving Moms (yep, that's you)

Jul 08, 2024

OK, Let’s Talk Holistic Health!

Hello again, ladies! Today, we’re diving into a topic that’s close to my heart – holistic health. Now, I know what you’re thinking: "Holistic health? Isn’t that just yoga and green smoothies?" Well, yes and no. It’s that plus so much more! Holistic health is about looking at the whole picture – your mind, body, and spirit – and making sure all parts are working in harmony.

Why Holistic Health Matters for Moms

As moms, we’re the glue that holds everything together. We manage households, careers, kids, and a thousand other things. But here’s a little secret: if the glue isn’t strong, things start to fall apart. That’s why holistic health is so crucial. It’s about nurturing every part of yourself so you can be your best self for your family and for you.

Mind, Body, and Spirit: The Holistic Trio

  1. Mind: Mental health is a huge part of holistic health. Stress, anxiety, and overwhelm can take a serious toll on your well-being. We’ll explore ways to manage these, from mindfulness techniques to seeking support when you need it.
  2. Body: This includes everything from nutrition and exercise to sleep and physical health. We’ll look at how what you eat impacts your mood, how to fit in exercise when you’re short on time, and why sleep is non-negotiable.
  3. Spirit: Don’t worry, we’re not getting all woo-woo on you. Spiritual health is about finding purpose, connection, and joy in your life. It’s about what makes your soul sing, whether that’s through religion, nature, or spending time with loved ones.

From Surviving to Thriving

You know that feeling of just getting by, of barely making it through the day? That’s what we call “surviving.” But I’m here to tell you that thriving is totally within your reach. It’s about feeling energized, fulfilled, and balanced. And while it might seem like a tall order, it’s absolutely possible with some intentional changes.

Practical Tips to Start Thriving

  1. Prioritize Self-Care: I know, easier said than done. But remember, self-care isn’t selfish – it’s essential. Start small. Maybe it’s a 10-minute meditation in the morning, a walk around the block, or a few minutes of journaling at night.
  2. Nutrition Matters: What you put into your body affects how you feel. There’s no way around it. We’ll dive deeper into this in future posts, but for now, focus on eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods. Think of food as fuel for your busy life.
  3. Move Your Body: You don’t need to hit the gym for hours. Find something you enjoy, whether it’s dancing in your living room, a quick yoga session, or a brisk walk.
  4. Get Enough Sleep: I know, kids can make this challenging. But aim for quality sleep whenever you can. Create a bedtime routine, limit screen time before bed, and make your bedroom a sleep haven.
  5. Connect with Others: Humans are social creatures, and connection is a big part of holistic health. Make time for friends and family, even if it’s just a quick phone call or coffee date.

The Role of Functional Health

This is where my journey into functional health comes in. Functional health looks at the root causes of health issues rather than just treating symptoms. It’s about understanding your unique body and what it needs to function optimally. We’ll explore this in more detail, but think of it as personalized health care designed just for you.

Looking Ahead

In our next post, we’ll talk about juggling self-care with the demands of motherhood and a career. Trust me, it’s possible, and I’ll share some strategies to help you balance it all without losing your mind. Spoiler: it involves ditching the mom guilt and embracing the idea that taking care of yourself is the best thing you can do for your family.

Let’s Thrive Together!

I’m so excited to continue this journey with you. Remember, you’re not alone, and every small step you take towards holistic health is a victory. Stay tuned for more tips, inspiration, and practical advice. And don’t forget to follow me on Instagram @rethinkwellness_w_jeni for daily doses of motivation and wellness tips.

Until next time, here’s to thriving, not just surviving!

With lots of love,


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