Wrapping up & Heading into the Holidays!

Nov 22, 2024

Hello hello!

If you’ve been following along with my anxiety and ADHD series, you’ve learned a lot about how nutrition and lifestyle tweaks can work wonders for a calmer mind and clearer focus.

Now, we’re shifting gears. The holidays are here, and let’s be honest: it’s not exactly a season known for peace and joy. Starting at Halloween, it feels like the chaos and sugar never ends. Between the meltdowns (from kids and parents), the to-do lists, and holiday expectations that could break Santa himself, it’s no wonder most of us feel more frazzled than festive. Three of my family also have birthdays this month… sooo… it’s a lot.

This December, I’m here to help you navigate it all without losing your mind—or your health. Welcome to "Staying Sane Through the Holidays"—a blog series designed for families like yours. We’ll cover everything from simplifying holiday traditions to keeping stress (and bloating) at bay.

I’m going to keep these short and sweet to give you the best and get you on your way!

Alright, let’s do it! Stay tuned—


P.S. If you’re ready to go deeper, don’t miss my free webinar, "Keeping Your Cool Through the Holiday Hustle." It’s packed with practical tips to help you stay calm, connected, and dare I say it, joyful this holiday season. What?!?

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